'The' Beginning or 'A' Beginning?
"In 'the' beginning" is a good translation of the Hebrew text, but it introduces a problem that is not in the original.
Our universe only had ONE beginning, so this is THE beginning. However, is our universe
the only universe? If there is only one beginning, there must be only universe.
Isaiah 65:17, 66:22, and 2 Peter 3:13 describe a new heavens and a new earth that God will create in the future.
This will be a NEW beginning -- a new universe. Our current universe is not the only one that will ever exist.
A question not answered in the Bible is, "When were angels were created?" We know angels were created beings, and
Job 38:4-7 tells us that these "sons of God" shouted for joy as they watched the creation of our universe. So, on
what day were they created? The Genesis Creation Account does not mention anything about the creation of angels.
However, if our universe is not the only universe, angels could have been created in an earlier, angelic universe.
The Bible does not describe the events of angelic creation, so we cannot be certain exactly when it was.
However, the creation of an angelic universe before our universe would explain how angels were present and watching
the creation of our universe.
The most literal translation of the opening phrase of the Bible is, "In a Beginning. . ." The definite article 'the'
is not in the original, and translating it literally as 'a' beginning allows us to see that there will be a new beginning
in the future, and there might have been an angelic universe before our universe.
Heavens or Paired Spaces?
Earth or Soil?
What Was Created?
What Was the Source of Light before the Sun and Stars Were Formed?
Why Two Separations of Light and Dark?
The separation of light and dark is described twice in the creation account. On day two, "God separated the light from the darkness." (ESV)
On day four God set the sun, moon, and stars in place "to separate the light from the darkness." (ESV) Do these refer to the same process or
two different, but related, events?
It is possible that they refer to the same process, and God, Himself, performed this process for days one through three and passed it on to
the Sun, Moon, and stars on the fourth day. That might be the case, but there is also evidence that these might be two different, but related events.
In the beginning when God created the material earth, it was formless. If material earth (matter) was completely formless, it would not even have
atomic structure. Atoms have structure and form.
Another evidence that atomic structure might not yet exist was that there was no light. Anything in atomic structure above zero degrees
Kelvin emits some light (electro magnetic radiation).
However, it is usually of a wavelength that our eyes do not see unless we use night vision goggles.
However, early in creation there was absolutely no light.
Thus, it makes sense that the earth material was not yet in atomic structure. Matter that is not in atomic structure would not have any solidity,
and would be a liquid. Perhaps that is what God is saying when He calls it waters (which is also the Hebrew word for liquid) and yet does
not call this a sea until day three when
it is normal water. Thus three issues, formless, lightless, and watery, but not a sea all suggest that the original earth
material was not in atomic structure.
Atomic structure is made of a nucleus and electrons orbiting the nucleus. There is a large separation between the electrons and the nucleus.
If an atomic nucleus was enlarged to the size of a softball, the electrons would be BBs zipping around it up to six miles away.
All light that we see comes from electrons changing orbits. The nucleus is dark. When God spoke light into existence on
the second day and separated between the light and the dark, this would perfectly fit the formation of atomic structure.
God Defined 'Day' and 'Night'